Disabled Leaders in Dance (UK)

Nele Vanhaeverbeke Geen categorie Leave a Comment

The Brittish Council published a video about ‘Disabled Leaders in Dance’ interviewing Emma Gladstone, Artistic Director of London’s Dance Umbrella.

Nowadays there are more and more companies and works that feature disabled dancers, but new works made by disabled choreographers are less common. Even rarer are examples of disabled choreographers being invited to share their artistic vision and create on non-disabled dancers. Some disabled artists are longing for recognition by the dance industry, hoping for a cultural shift so their work could be integrated and appreciated as valuable and independent and treated as artists like other artists. (- Emma Gladstone)

Though in recent years that dance is including disabled dancers and that work has been made by disabled choreographers it shows to form an important part of the dance field. (- Emma Gladstone)

The video is commissioned by the British Council.

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