Choreographer Sara Wookey (US) visited us during the Intensive Study Week Re-Designing Spaces, designed and organized by Fontys Dance Division. She provided a lecture on performing in the specific ‘public’ spaces to expose art. Dance in the Museum was one of the 3 themes during the week, hosted in VanAbbe Museum in Eindhoven.
“As a certified transmitter (or teacher) of Yvonne Rainer’s seminal dance work Trio A I believe in the power of body-to-body transfer of knowledge in dance, learning by being in the space together, and what gets transferred in that space of togetherness. I am a believer in the knowledge of the dancer in the way she thinks through space and in relation to and with others in that space. One might call it a “socio-spatial sensibility?”. When that sensibility is engaged there is the potential for change (physically, architecturally, structurally, politically)?”
In her lecture she connected the theme on the question of transferable skills of the dance artist:
“The transferrable skills of the dance artist will, hopefully, be rendered visible in these projects and the ways they advocate for both the intrinsic and instrumental values of dance in its
return to the museum, a space where we might re-think what being in a shared, designed space might mean and how dance might prompt old and new ways of being together”.
In the video below a compilation on the workshop in VanAbbeMuseum in Eindhoven. The workshop was given to teachers from Antwerp Conservatoire, Duncan Centre Conservatory and Fontys Dance Academy.