Inclusive Dance Dialogues 2: Dialogue in Performance Practice

a.vandenbersselaar Leave a Comment

Fontys University of Fine and Performing Arts presented ‘Inclusive Dance Dialogues’ in the season 2016-2017, where different field experts were asked  to share their view on the future perspective of a dancer and his or her transferable skills. On 9 March Guy Cools visited Fontys Dance Academy. 

Inspired by his new book, Imaginative Bodies, Dialogues in Performance Practices, Guy Cools talked about the importance of dialogue within the creative process: the interdisciplinary dialogue between different artistic collaborators, between choreographer and dramaturge and the dialogue between the artist’s work and the world. With practice based examples, among other things, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Sara Wookey, he illustrates how to create new opportunities for the artist to work in different contexts.

The Inclusive Dance Dialogues is one follow-up event series after the first Intensive Study Program (ISP) Re-Desiging Spaces in 2015 in Tilburg. Below the Q&A with students, teachers and external guests. Check also the full Lecture in a different post.

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