Transferable skills in Art: Listening as a skill in creative processes

Kim Lokers Leave a Comment

Last night dance dramaturge Guy Cools gave an inspiring insightfull talk that was live streamed about his work and practice in the dance field. The Art of Listening in the dialogical practice. His newest book contains dialogues with choreographers and describes creative processes.

Listening is something  human beings learn the earliest, before seeing, talking and writing. There are many levels of Listening. From within our cocon to confirm preconceived thoughts, to a more open way where we postpone judgement and listen someone into ones wisdom.

Listening comes with many approaches and skills. When being in a conversation we often edit, judge or comment on what we hear.

How do you work with listenening in creational processes?

What do we need to practice the Art of Listening?

First of all awareness of our habitual thinking and patterns. You can’t act on what you do not see. Secondly, gentleness, to be without judgement of yourself or other or whatever comes up in your experience. You just abide. Third we enter the situation of dialogue with a supportive attitude, we show up to the occasion and really be there. When we listen with this approach we practice receptiveness and also trust, that we can work with the situation.

As Guy Cools said last night, any practice comes with discipline. With this approach the discipline comes with enjoyment. So, enjoy practice!

Image courtesy Precensing Institute

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