Rethinking Bodies 2015 – Guest workshop by Candoco Dance Company (UK)

Nele Vanhaeverbeke Leave a Comment

From 20 to 25 April 2015 the dance department of the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp organized an intensive study program about ‘Inclusion dance’. The week is part of an Erasmus+ project, which was initiated by partners in higher education: Fontys (Tilburg), Duncan Centre Conservatoire (Prague) and Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (AP College). ‘Rethinking Bodies’ is a project aiming to redefine the vision of the bodyin contemporary dance and exploring new insights in dance education. The intensive study program includes workshops, debates, lectures and performances and connects to the content and programming of Antwerp’s ENTER festival.

The invitation of different guest teachers (with their own experience in the field and view on inclusive dance) helps the Rethinking Bodies further in their research and formulation of research questions. It helps us changing perceptions about integrated dance, and maybe most importantly: students of dance departments get in touch with inclusive dance. Their perception of dance can change because of working in a group with such a range of different abilities. Diversity. We rethink our body together.

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