Art & Education: Art in the Age of Authenticity

a.vandenbersselaar Leave a Comment

During the traditional opening of the study year Fontys University of Fine and Performing Arts the philosopher Ivana Ivkovic (1979, Serbia) was invited to speak to all students and teachers of the different art academies. She addressed the subject of  authenticity as part of your art education program. She came with a statement and advise to keep space for creative expression in a time where skill development and decision making isn’t that free anymore. How this is founded on philosophical pillars is told by her in the film. So take a look!



The lecture stresses the fact on how the right for free expression dictates us by contemporary dogma’s and how therefor the aim for authenticity became the new religion. “We need to make the right decision…and these days we have to like to make these right decisions too“.

But, there is hope! We can fight it by:
1. allowing creative failure
2. taking risks
3. accepting doubts in life
4. create space for stupidity.


Ivana Ivkovic has her own Agency for Contemporary Philosophy NoWishfullThinking. For more information check

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