Questionaire analysis: Elementary questions risen during ISP Prague

tereza Geen categorie Leave a Comment

During ISP event in Prague, students and teachers had a possibility to practically experience and further think about their personal relation to somatic approaches and which kind of engagement does it bring to their mind/body. In the end of the week students and teachers from all three schools filled in an questionaire concerning the most elementary topics, we were questioning ourselves as a team during the three years of this project: What is the greatest cognition (gain) for a student? Which questions have been risen by the experiencing of somatic approacheson the body? Which of the topics are important for one’s future (occupational, professional, personal, etc.)? Which new skills am I keeping on gaining, developing?
This analysis of the questionaire brought us new and surprising perspectives, ideas and questions which were part of the ISP event in Prague.

See here: Quantitative analysis of questionnaire to the erasmus program


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